Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Boys, boys, boys!

Ok... what can I say? I found the very best boy at high school...when I 1st met him, he was leading worship at chapel. I was a freshman and he was a big Junior...who could drive..hello? He loved the Lord, and way back in 1973, that was not something many guys let others know about. He did, and he was soooo cute! Tall, dark, handsome, with a great smile and amazing eyes. I flipped head over heals in love with him...unfortunately, so did my best friend. Not an easy journey, but by the end of his Sr. Year, we were dating, and he was my boy friend! Now, he's my best friend, love of my life, husband! Lucky me. Well, this loving man became the father of my children. Being the only BOY in his family of 5, he prayed for a boy or two to take the place of the absence of brothers. OK, hon. It WORKED! We had 2 bouncing baby boys, then a daughter--when we decided to go for #4, I was sure my perfect little plan would bring the "perfect" family of 2 boys and 2 girls. But no, a VERY large almost 10 lb baby boy rocked our world. My hubby was thrilled. Fast forward 6 years and we decide ok, one more try for that little girl to be sister to our daughter...umm...another bouncing baby boy. It was great! Now HE had to take 4 kids potty and I got one! My shopping excursions were pretty simple. Just me and my daughter, while the boys went camping. Soon came 2 wonderful daughter-in-laws...and then the grandbabies...surely, there would be even numbers of boys and girls...Grandbaby 1--a bouncing baby boy! Grandbaby 2---a bouncing baby boy....Grandbaby 3--a bouncing baby boy! (can you see where this is leading???) We now have 2 new babies on the way! We found out about these wonderful pregnancies the SAME DAY!! It was amazing! Ok, now surely, there will be one girl in there??? Grandbaby 4---bouncing baby boy!!! Yesterday, our daughter's ultrasound...surely, she will produce our ONLY??? granddaughter???? Grandbaby 5--YEAH!!! another BOUNCING BABY BOY. Yes, we DO KNOW HOW TO DO BOYS!!! Ok little boys on the way, no worries. Grandma really does know how to handle you! I cannot wait!!! Can you just imagine how proud my beaming husband, with no brothers at all is???? I'm beaming too!!! YEAH for BOYS!!! Besides, this means the girls can go shopping and glamming and leave the BOYS with the DADDIES!!!


Vintage Dutch Girl said...

Yep, we sure know how to do boys!!!

I'm SURE Grandpa is VERY excited about his little brood of bandits in the making!